Tuesday, October 22, 2013

40 before 40

I had this wonderful idea. Looked at dozens of other postings of people who have planned 40 before 40 things and realized... I only have 84 days before I turn 40. What if I created a list of 40 things to do before I turn 41 (while technically being 40, I would do these things before 40 itself was over.) So here is my list. Please keep in mind I was inspired in some of them by other blogs. If you want, google 40 before 40 to see my research.

1. Have my name on a giant check (either giving or receiving)

2. Ride in a hot air balloon

3. Spend the night in a hammock

4. Go on a mission trip (does not have to be out of the country, but it can be)

5. Seek a leadership position (I have a couple of things in mind, but have not solidified which one)

6. Be published (an article counts)
9. This is Edward, isn't he cute?

7. Have a great Valentine's Day

8. Read 40 books (between now and the end of 40)

9. Take Edward Camping

10. Attend the National Conference on Volunteering and Service (June in Atlanta)

11. Go to a country that does not touch the 50 states (this requires me to acquire a passport)

12. Watch the sunrise and the sun set on the ocean (yes I realize this will require some bi-coastal planning
16. This is what crow pose looks like. This is a stretch goal.

13. Be debt free

14. Hike a volcano in Hawaii

15. Finish a quilt

16. Do crow pose just once with both my feet off the floor (even if just for a second)

17. Write a letter to the editor

18. Go snorkeling

19. Either ride 100 miles in a single sitting or 1000 miles in the year (biking)

20. Give up something meaningful for Lent

26. This is my friend Julia (Josh in the background thinks we're strange)
21. Host a community service project for my family

22. Visit all 50 states (only 3 to go- Hawaii, South Dakota, Wyoming)

23. Go Parasailing

24. Go to the observation deck in Reunion Tower

25. Attend a roller derby game

27. I have many more embarrassing pictures of Cheri. :)
26. Tour 3 new breweries (preferable with my friend Julia)

27. Paddle Board in Austin with Cheri

28. Visit OKC solely for the purpose of seeing friends

29. Ride the train to Ft. Worth and check out the museums

30. Consolidate retirement plans (lame, but something I have been putting off for years)

31. Learn to juggle (Rachel may have to teach me)
31. Rachel on the left. 37. Dhriti in the middle. 

32. Enter something in the state fair competition

33. Stand under a waterfall

34. Do something nice for my neighbors

35. Attend the AmeriCorps 20th Anniversary event in DC (September)

36. Ride a jet ski

40. Me and my super twin
37. Cook dinner for Dhriti (cause she cooks for me all of the time.

38. Journal

39. Top Secret- But will share if I actually accomplish it

40. Celebrate my birthday with the best twin on the planet.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Star Struck in DC- the National Service version of the Oscars

Auditorium before the event
Enter the stately hall (Mellon Auditorium on Constitution Avenue in Washington, DC) only instead of fancy ball gowns and tuxedos everyone is sporting the AmeriCorps "A" or a sensible business suit. Initially there is a rehearsal of the prepared remarks and blocking or how to enter the stage properly and where the camera and lights are positioned. After the rehearsal the "talent" and their entourage retire to the green room to rub elbows with VIPs and Super Stars. 

Youth Volunteer Corps (YVC) president David Battey with YVC alum Dhriti Pandya 

Only these superstars aren't know for their blockbusters. They are known for breaking down walls of political partisanship or building homes after disasters. 

This is the kickoff celebrating the 20th Anniversary of  President Clinton signing the bipartisan National and Community Service Trust Act on September 21, 1993, creating AmeriCorps and uniting VISTA, Senior Corps, and other service programs under a new federal agency, the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS). Since then, more 820,000 men and women have served in AmeriCorps, providing more than 1 billion hours of service to our country. 

The opening ceremony includes a performance of the Marine Corps Brass Band and the presentation of colors by US military members and, while they are not as flashy as the Black Eyed Peas, we all know they have more than earned the right to open such a prestigious occasion. 

Marine Corps Brass Band
Presentation of the Colors

Speakers as well known in the National Service family as Tom Cruise or as beloved as Meryl Streep are ready take the stage.  

Harris Woofard- Godfather of National Service, the first CEO to the Corporation for National and Community Service and a former senator to Pennsylvania. 

Dhriti meets her hero the Honorable Harris Wofford
Bill Basl- Big Time Director, currently serving as the Director of AmeriCorps

AmeriCorps Director Bill Basl and AmeriCorp Alums North Texas Chapter Leaders
The Honorable James Joseph- United States Ambassador to South Africa (who sounds a great deal like James Earl Jones)
The Honorable James Joseph
Wendy Spencer- The Action Hero (Heroine) affectionately referred to as the Hurricane the current CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service.
Hurricane Wendy Spencer
Senator Martin Heinrich- The Action Hero- First AmeriCorps Alum to serve in the United States Senate (New Mexico)
Senator Martin Henrich
Dhriti Pandya- Up and coming starlet- AmeriCorps Alum from the Volunteer Center of North Texas Youth Volunteer Corps program and AmeriCorps Alums North Texas Chapter Leader- whose speech highlighted how her AmeriCorps Service helped her "Next Steps" in life. Dhrit's remarks
AmeriCorps Alums North Texas Chapter Leader Dhriti Pandya
Pierson Phelan- Up and coming star- FEMA Corps Member Pacific Region Gold 3- whose speech was so earnest there may not have been a dry eye in the house. 
FEMA Corps Member Pierson Phelan
Shirley Sagawa- Outstanding writing female and Lifetime Achievement Award (Presidential Service Award) for her years of service including authorship of the legislation forming the Corporation for National and Community Service. 
Wendy Spencer providing Presidential Service Award to Shirley Sagawa
Brad Meltzer- Outstanding writer male- Co-author of the AmeriCorps Pledge. Abby Flottenmesch and Charles Adams- Distinguished AmeriCorps Alums currently serving in lead roles within their respective organizations. 

In Memorium comments given on behalf of those who have passed by their spouses, Phyllys Segal for Eli Segal and Vicki Kennedy for Senator Ted Kennedy. 

A video Montage celebrating AmeriCorps first 20 years. AmeriCorps turns 20 video

2013 Service Impact Awards given off-stage included:Disaster Services- AmeriCorps- Washington State AmeriCorpsEconomic Diversity- AmeriCorps VISTA- Katie Taylor- Women's Initiative for Self-EmploymentEducation- AmeriCorps NCCC- Aimee Dilucido0 Pacific Region Education Team- Gold 8Environmental Stewardship- AmeriCorps- Parasol AmeriCOrpsHealthy Futures- RSVP- Louisville Metro RSVPVeterans and Military Families- AmeriCorps- Excelis Action Corps- Veteran Leader CorpsPeople's Choice Award- MLK Day and AmeriCorps- Rebuilding Together

Sure Hollywood has it's Movie Stars who use their fame to help people, but you have to admire those who gain their fame through service to others. 

AmeriCorps Alums Executive Director with North Texas Chapter Leaders. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Happy Birthday Emily

I paid extra attention to the last class. Mostly because I wanted to capture a moment in time that had come to mean so much. It's really a picture of how, over time, I was impacted by something truly special and rare- A great teacher.

I started taking Emily's yoga classes in February of 2012. At first, I knew only that she was patient and kind and willing to encourage me.

Classes typically begin with Emily talking about her playlists and small talk. The thing is she always has great
music. Almost legendary playlists are her pride and joy. Over the past year we went through the phases with Lana Del Rey (somewhat extensively in the fall) a little rap, Grease soundtrack hits, and my favorite a cover of Erykah Badu's Tyrone.

But the music is always beautiful. Then just before we get started she asks if anyone has any injuries that she should know about. Then she asks for any requests. The funny thing is we never have any requests. Sometimes you will have someone drop in to the studio who really does have a request. But the regulars just know that whatever she brings will be wonderful and challenging. She didn't ask us for this last class. I was a bit of an emotional wreck so I was playing attention to those sorts of things. We started out in child's pose which was not unusual. The only thing is that when you're face down on your mat and it's your favorite teachers last class then child's pose might induce some tears. And it did. Then Emily reminded me to breathe. Well, she reminded everyone to begin breathing in through the nose and out through the nose. I was reminded that she taught me how to breathe in the first place. Months ago. We had a strange conversation in the hallway after class and she said I was doing great, but she wondered if I was breathing. I was trying, but my breaths just didn't time with her inhale/exhale directions. So I held my breath to try to get with the pace. Which is absolutely the wrong thing to do. After that I realized I needed to breathe when I needed to breathe. Her words became suggestions and things just got better.

Now breathing is my favorite.

Then we walk our hands over to the side, first the right and then the left. This is a move that I am always trying to figure out. It never seemed to do anything for me. Then we come up into a box and do a few cat/cow poses. I love cow pose. My abs love cow pose. Just lower that belly and lift your face.
All that's missing is the moo. Cat pose does make me feel like a cat a bit, but unless the next step is a nap in the sunshine, I don't love it.

We flowed through the rest of the class with some classics, sun salutations, starting from down dog you bend your knees and look forward. Then walk step or jump to the front of the mat. You are then in forward fold. Almost immediately you lift halfway up with a flat back and look forward. Then fold. Bend your knees and then come up to standing maybe a slight back bend. Then swan dive with a flat back. Straighten halfway then fold completely. Hands to the mat, back into plank pushup or not downward facing dog. Now the first time I heard "Pushup or not" I immediately said in my head "not" as in not ever doing that. But the funny thing is now I almost never do it without. I remember when Emily taught me the proper way to do a pushup with my elbows in and brushing my ribs. It was the first thing I practiced at home. I did a lot of the practice ones on my knees and sometimes I will still do that in class if I am feeling like I can't do it well otherwise. That permission to give myself a break and have a little compassion for myself was something that Emily encouraged a lot in the early months. In yoga as with the rest of my life, I struggle with that compassion for myself. The rest of the flow that night was pretty standard. Tiffany in the front row singed her bangs on a candle early in the class. The place smelled like burnt hair for quite a while after.had to have that last class excitement. It reminded me of the other strange and exciting classes we had. Like when they were redoing the roof and the place smelled strongly of tar. Or when the power went out and we just kept going. Or when we were having a class and a huge hailstorm hit nearby and we were oblivious as until after because it didn't hit in the area. The time the building alarm went off and the police came out like a movie SWAT team and swept through the building. Classes which turned into "down dog dance parties". Too many to really recount.

The only strange transitions I noted were when we went from half moon (my favorite pose) to chair. It was befuddling to me, but you gotta spice it up sometimes. I was really excited about the fact that we didn't do any twists. So very excited. Twists are my nemesis.

There were other Emily moments like when she made us laugh. She's the only teacher I've experienced who regularly incorporates humor as part of the class to such a great degree. It's a unique style. It's never distracting, but just anticipated. She'll even laugh at herself for mixing up lefts and rights and Sanskrit errors. Creating a safe place to really enjoy the practice.

We finished up with reclined pigeon. Kind of glad we didn't do it the other way as it tends to be emotional and I would have sobbed like a big old baby I am sure. I did a great shoulder stand which I cannot always do. Savassana was beautiful and I cried. Tears mixed with sweat = beauty.

When it comes to the part where we wiggle our fingers as wiggle our toes, you know it is almost over. Hug our knees into our chest and rock from side to side and then rollover to your right side in fetal position using our right arm as a pillow. Then lift to easy seated position. Hands by your side or on your knees palms facing up. Inhale, raise your arms up and out, exhale Bring your palms to your hearts center. Together we bow and say namaste.

After class I tend to be slow to get up, but tonight I get up relatively quickly. Need to go wipe some tears and compose myself. I hate goodbye.

Everyone is talking about gong to sushi afterwards. The only thing I want is to hold the door one last time as she locks up. She sets the building alarm and the I hold the door while she drags the impossibly heavy gate over to lock it. Just like any other class. Only for the last time.

Now I have held onto this account until now. Not sure if I would ever actually post it or just keep to myself to reread and smile. I decided that maybe the other Emily class regulars would like to see it, to relive it. But mostly I want Emily to have it as a birthday gift. We all still miss these times, but appreciating just how great they were. Appreciating the adventures we shared.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Birthday wish granted

For my birthday this year I asked my friends/family to make me a sign of what they thought of me. It could be a word or a phrase or they could even draw a picture. Then they were to take their picture with the sign and share it with me. Some people were quite creative. It was a wonderful exercise in reflection to see how people saw me and I wanted to capture it in one location so I could go back and review it from time to time. Also, I have decided to respond to each person with a word or phrase of their own. 

Amber Stewart- I met Amber at the American Red Cross in Dallas. She chose faithful and friend for me. My word for Amber is also faithful. Amber  is very strong in her faith and is never bashful about it. Amber lives in Little Rock, Arkansas
Kelly Travis- I met Kelly when I was growing up in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. She chose the phrase "too blessed to be stressed" for me. She is very much like a second mom to me and my word for her is counselor (she gives amazing advice and is always comforting). She lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Lori Lindsey- Lori was my former director from the American Red Cross. Her word for me was"win". My word for her is smile. She has a great big smile. She lives in Terrell, Texas.
Matt Stocks- I met through his fiance Dhriti. His word for me was competent, which is the highest form of compliment from him. My phrase for him is light. As a filmmaker he sees it in ways mere humans will never understand. He lives in Dallas, Texas.
Sue Osborn- I met Sue when I worked for the American Red Cross. Her word for me was loyal. My word for her is funny. It is virtually impossible to spend any time with Sue without laughter being a part of it. Sue lives in Austin, TX
Tisha Holy- We worked together at the American Red Cross. My word for her is resourceful. She always makes the most of everything. Tisha lives in Placerville, California
Misti Fields- I met Misti through our friend Dhriti. We all attend yoga class together at Super Yoga Palace. Misti thinks I am grounded. I think Misti is collaborative. Misti lives in Denton, Texas 
Jerri Dawson- Cares team for when I lived at the Winsted. She drew a picture of a broken arm for me because we were biking around White Rock Lake and she had a nasty fall right in front of me. She got right back up and finished the ride. Later she was hurting and went to the doctor only to find out she had broken a part of her elbow. My word for her is dedicated. Jerri lives in Dallas, Texas
Mike Dawson- Also Cares team for my old apartment. He drew a picture of me biking at White Rock Lake. I particularly like the sailboats. My word for Mike is welcoming. Mike lives in Dallas, Texas
Liz Galvan- I met Liz through my church and we share a love for Panera. She chose the phrase "wisdom beyond her years". My word for Liz is pursue. She pursues all things in her life with determination and she is always striving for greater depth of faith and excellence in all she does. Liz lives in Garland, Texas
Patti Reese- Patti is in my Sunday School Class at church. Patti chose for me adventurous. My word for Patti is hospitality. The dictionary definition: the quality of receiving and treating guests and strangers in a warm, friendly, and generous way. She fits this perfectly. Patti lives in Irving, Texas
Matha Williams- Martha is in my Sunday School class at church. She chose the word friend for me. My word for Martha is dependable. You can count on her to be there and to bring the coffee. She lives in Dallas, Texas.
Jennifer Hagood is in my Sunday School class as well. I love that she chose to say I have a heart of service (since we haven't known each other that long). My word for Jennifer is kindness. She has always shown me kindness and I have seen her extend it to others as well. Jennifer lives in Dallas, Texas
Harry Reese- He is in my Sunday School class as well. He chose the word precious for me. My word for Harry is prayer. He is the best prayer I've ever heard. Not that there is a competition, but he is always so passionate and you can just hear how much he loves God as he prays. He lives in Irving, Texas.
Jay Ferguson- He is in my Sunday School class as well. He chose the word adventure for me. My word for Jay is guide. He guides us through lessons each week and is the ringleader for our social gatherings. He lives in Carrollton, Texas
Angel Saucedo- He was an intern of mine when I worked for the Student Conservation Association. My word for Angel is celebration. He always seems to be in celebration in all that he does. He lives in Los Angeles, California
Kristin Shapiro- She was a crew leader for me when I worked with the Student Conservation Association. The words she chose were inspirational and role model. My word for Kristin is forest. We worked together in a forest and any time we have a chance that is where we go. There are a lot of other words I could have chosen, but that seems the best fit. Kristin lives in Dallas, Texas
Jonathan Edwards- The newest addition to the list. Jonathan is currently serving as my intern at the Volunteer Center of North Texas. His very first day was my birthday and he chose facilitator as my word, which seems appropriate as I am to facilitate his learning for his emergency management degree. My word for Jonathan is eager. He is eager to get things started and eager to finish them. Jonathan lives in Denton, Texas
Kim Smith- We work together at the Volunteer Center of North Texas. Kim chose resolute and active for me.  My word for Kim is sassy. She embodies that word for me and she is rarely anything less than 80% sassy. Kim lives in Fort Worth, Texas
Judy Shannon- We work together at the Volunteer Center of North Texas and she chose calm to describe me. My word for her is connector. She loves to connect people, programs and services. Bringing people together is what she loves and she does it well. Judy lives in Arlington, Texas.
Millicent Boykin- I met Millicent when we volunteered together with the Hugh O'Brian youth leadership program. These days Millicent is my supervisor at the Volunteer Center of North Texas. I teach Millicent about disaster and she teaches me patience. She wrote several words for me: quiet, challenger, real, disaster, and faith. While I have several words for Millicent as well I will just say positive. She is always seeing the positive in things, even when I absolutely cannot. Millicent lives in Arlington, Texas
Cathy Hurst- Cathy Hurst and I met while volunteering for a Disney day of service. We are now co-workers at the Volunteer Center of North Texas. Her words for me: forgiving, loving, honest and amazing. My words for Cathy are supermom and the one who knows answers when no one else has a clue. Cathy lives in Dallas, Texas
Kristin Stephenson- Kristin was an AmeriCorps member in the program I coordinated with the American Red Cross in Dallas. Kristin's word for me is shiny. We are both Firefly fans and the little toy dinosaur in the picture is one we got at one of the annual film showings we attend. My phrase for Kristin is Bank Robbery for personal reasons. Kristin lives in Prosper, Texas 
Kathi Wenrich works with me at the Volunteer Center of North Texas.  Kathi had a whole bunch of words she came up with in a short amount of time: careful, loyal, talented, kind-loving heart, creative, cautious, beautiful inside and out, layers of feelings beneath, a person you can count on, dedicated to her beliefs, and someone I'd like to know better. My word for Kathi is candy. She has a huge stash in her office and it is always tempting me as I walk by.
Jessica Norwood- A new co-worker at the Volunteer Center of North Texas had an uplifting list of words for me as well: kind,ambitious, determined, unselfish, happy, spiritual, devoted, friendly, outgoing, motivated, and beautiful. Pretty much blown away by the kind words. My word for Jessica is encouraging.
Jenelle Symns- My co-worker at the Volunteer Center of North Texas and lunch buddy (when I am in the office). Jenelle said I was: scrupulous, moral and loves what she does. I would love to agree with her. My word for Jenelle is Joker. You see Jenelle loves to tell stories. A few of them are true. She is always trying to convince me (and others) things that are just outrageous. I have pretty much figured out when she is on the level, but she fools me every now and again. 
Dean Rohlfing- My co-worker at the Volunteer Center of North Texas. He said I was kind, quiet and patient. I find it funny how many times patient came up on these signs since I don't feel at all patient. But so many said it that perhaps it is a little true. Dean's phrase is team builder. He is wonderful at creating and supporting those who work in his department. 
Faye Wood- My co-worker at the Volunteer Center of North Texas. Faye said "the amazing Lisa is always there for you, to share your load or just brighten your day". Definitely had the "awwww" factor for me. Faye's word is stylish. She is always so creative with her wardrobe and is very fashionable.
Ethel Greenwood- My closest friend from Oklahoma State University. I love that she chose  this word Joy for me. I would love to echo it right back to her. I find great joy in the tales she shares of her children and life. It was either that or heffalumps and woozles. Ethel lives in Cushing, Oklahoma
Jamie Norton is a dear friend I met through my brother Joey. She wrote an acrostic poem from my name: L-Loving, I-Intelligent, S-Sincere, A-Ambitious. I think it only fair that I do the same:
M-Makeup :)
Jamie lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Cheri Nightingale I met when I went to Oklahoma State University.  We manage to see each other about once a year. I have many, many words for Cheri, but I will limit it to: artistic, creative, music-lover who shares, camping and puppets. Cheri lives in Austin, Texas
Joey Uphold- This is my brother Joey. His taking time while at work to take a picture and send it to me really made my day. My word for Joey is Leader. He has always had that undefinable quality that makes people follow him even if they don't always knowing exactly why. He takes that responsibility very seriously and tries to make sure he leads well. Joey lives in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
Shari Hicks- I met Shari when she worked for the City of Dallas and I worked for the Student Conservation Association. My word for Shari is surprising. You never know when she will call, show up, help out, or check in. I am grateful that she's kept in touch. Shari lives in Dallas, Texas
August-Marie Wagner-Richardson- I met August when  I worked with the Student Conservation Association. I absolutely love the SAT word she chose for me efficacious. That has to be the most extravagant word I received. My word for August is warrior. She is has fierce beliefs that she is willing to fight for and I admire her strength, courage and resolve. August lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Betsy Orton- We served on the Hurricane Katrina response as co-workers with the American Red Cross. Her words for me are selfless and giving. And in tiny print at the bottom Lunch at Lucky's (which we will have to have soon). My words for her are ambitious and capable. Betsy lives in Dallas, Texas.
Julia Stafford- We were co-workers together at the Student Conservation Association. She chose Loyal and then in the corner said "Dedicated in a faithful only slightly crazy way". That is a phenomenal way to describe it. My word for Julia is engaging, mostly for her ability to get others involved. She lives in North Richland Hills, Texas
Erika Roberts- We partnered together as a part of the Tarrant County Voluntary Agencies Active in Disaster starting in 2011. Erika's word to me is inspiring. My word to her is collaborative. Whatever the project, she will get people engaged and working together. She always gets people energized and excited and that just pushes things forward. Erika lives in Longview, Texas
Erin Knudtson (by way of Jesse)- She is a former co-worker from the Volunteer Center of North Texas. Her word for me is passionate. My phrase for her is "save service" which is a project she pursued for the AmeriCorps Alums of North Texas (we both served in NCCC-albeit at different times). Erin Lives in Charleston, South Carolina
Alicia Nieboer- We attend yoga class together at Super Yoga Palace. Her word for me was champion. My word for her is elaborate. She is a skilled makeup artist and she can get quite elaborate with her abilities. She lives in Dallas, Texas
Jonathan Wallace- He was an AmeriCorps Member in a program I coordinated with the American Red Cross. He chose Servant Leader for me. My phrase for him is "Captain AmeriCorps". You see we are both huge AmeriCorps geeks and he definitely embodies that title in all that he does for the community. Jonathan lives in Little Rock, Arkansas
Scot Wilcox- Fellow yogi from Super Yoga Palace. His word for me is dedicated. My word for him is Intriguing. You never know what kind of adventure he and Misty may embark on next. He lives in Dallas, Texas
Misty Mayberry- She chose the word Zen for me, which would make her the winner for the shortest word in this endeavor. But Scot gave her a hard time so she changed it to "well balanced". Considering we do yoga next to or near one another, I can see where the well balanced is important (so that we don't all fall into each other). I think the best word for Misty is kind. She lives in Dallas, Texas

Courtney Richardson- Another Super Yoga Palace friend. She wrote that I am compassionate. I  love that word. It's a quality I admire and would definitely like to grow in. That she said it, well, is even better. My word for Courtney is twin. She happens to also have a twin who does yoga at the studio at times as well. 
Tammi Mai- Tammi was an AmeriCorps member in the American Red Cross program that I coordinated. Her word for me was genuine. This is quite a compliment. My word for Tammi is virion. She played that word when we were playing Scrabble once and I really challenged her on it. Considering she was in medical school at the time I should not have doubted it, but I did. She lives in Columbia, Missouri
The Stewarts (Isla, Chris, and Emery)- This combination of sweet ladies are in my church Home Group. Their words for me were: Very Sweet and caring. My word for Chris is unstoppable. She is a wife and mother of four (including a set of twin boys). She is like the energizer bunny and just never stops going and going and going and going. My words for her are Taylor Swift. I have never me a bigger or more dedicated fan. My word for Emery is music. She has a great appreciation for music and helps to educate me on what is cool these days (though I usually don't know anyone cool until they have been popular for at least six months. 
Eric Straw- Eric was a team leader for the Student Conservation Association when I was  running the Dallas program. His word for me is selfless. My word for him is traveler. You never know what part of the world Eric is in or what alligators he may be wrestling there. Eric lives in Carrollton, Texas
Karen Cameron- I met Karen when I worked for the Student Conservation Association and she was coordinating efforts with 12 Hills Nature Center in Dallas. We have since coordinated several projects together and are both AmeriCorps Alums of North Texas chapter leaders. She says I am a Service Rock Star. This is the one time when I would mirror the exact words back to Karen. She is a Service Rock Star having served in AmeriCorps and VISTA and numerous other roles with distinction. She is wonderful at connecting people and resources. Karen lives in Dallas, Texas
Sonya Tatro- I met Sonya when she was teaching Super Yoga Palace. Her phrase for me is 100% yogi. This means a lot to me especially coming from Sonya as Yoga is a way of life for her (along with Rock Climbing). My word for Sonya is Flying. Whether in the yoga studio on her silks or on some rock formation (real or fake) or throughout life in general, she is always up in the air somewhere. I am happy that she comes to hang out with us down here on the ground on occasion. Sonya lives in Dallas, Texas
Sam Casey (nephew)- He chose swagger for me. Now I am not sure if that is a good thing, but I will take it as a compliment. My word for Sam is Basketball. He loves Basketball more than anyone I know on the planet. Sam lives in Owasso, Oklahoma
Haley Rangel- Haley is Sam's girlfriend. I haven't know her very long, but I am glad she thinks I am awesome. I think she is quiet and hard-working. She lives in Owasso, Oklahoma
Rhea Tatum (twin)- Of course my sister gets two words. She can have as many as she wants. Heffadust is a family word and term of endearment. Thought I think it's original meaning is less than polite. Her second word is Sistermine. This is a word that came from a book we both enjoy. My word for my sister is connection. While we are often separated by several hundred miles, we are always connected to one another. She lives in Owasso, Oklahoma

Nathaniel Tatum (cousin)- Ok, so he is all boy. His word for me was pimp. It is the only one of these things that I outright rejected at first. I made him pick another word to go along with it. He picked baseball. We play catch together when I am home visiting. We both like baseball. My word for him is quick. He's a runner and very, very smart. He lives in Claremore, Oklahoma
Denise Tatum (aunt)- I love the collection of words here. Adventurous, giving, joyful, dedicated, athletic, and inspiring.  My words for aunt Niecie are "Russian Tea Cakes". These are my favorite cookies on the planet and no one can make them like she can. She lives in Claremore, Oklahoma
Lana Tatum (mom)- Of course my mom will always see me as "my sweet baby Lisa".  My word for her is example. She has been the example I learned so many things from in life. How to treat others fairly, how to love unconditionally, how to be someone others can depend on, how to work hard in the most difficult of situations and how to pick up the pieces when disaster strikes. Oh and how to have fun. She lives in Claremore, Oklahoma 
Vada Tatum (Grandmother aka Meme)- Love, love, love, love- four of them all in a row. That is what my Meme wrote for me. I have a multitude of words for her. But for the sake of brevity I will chose classy. She has a certain sense of style and respect that is just absolutely classy. She lives in Claremore, Oklahoma
Alyssa Tatum (niece)- Again with these young people, I don't know if BEAST is a compliment or not, but I will assume it is a complement. I have to pick two words for my niece: Monkey and mustache. She loves those two things more than anything else (as far as I know). She lives in Owasso, Oklahoma
Richard Casey (brother-in-law)- He chose caring for me. My words for him are Big Dog. Well, because that's his favorite clothing brand and he is BIG. Richard lives in Owasso, Oklahoma
Matthew Tatum (cousin)- His mom helped him trace the "I Love You" sign of his hand.  Plus he wrote Lisa is awesome across the top (in his own creative spelling of course). Just beautiful. My word for him is Peach. That's what his daddy calls him and I think that is just a perfect word for him.  
Grace Tatum (cousin)- She doesn't quite have words down yet, so she drew me a picture. That's seems fair. It's a beautiful picture. My word for Grace is tornado. She is always spinning around the place. She's quite a whirlwind of energy and spirit. 
Danny Budden (cousin)- My cousin Danny relayed two phrases for me. Confidently striving and "Got any grapes" this youtube video will explain the second one.
My word for Danny is explorer. We used to have great adventures together exploring the great outdoors. Those are some of my favorite memories growing up. 
Trenton Lach (cousin)- Again with these kids choosing strangely. I am hoping he meant crazy in a good way. But then again, you never know. My word for Trenton is Texas. While he lives in Oklahoma, he is originally from Houston and we both get grief from our family about how much we like Texas. 
Daemiyn Budden (second cousin)- He drew a picture. As explained by him it is a picture of the two of us running to the couch to hug our Meme. The interesting thing about this is that the picture was drawn in disappearing ink. Therefore, this photo is the only evidence that he drew a picture at all. My word for him is picklehead. That's what the family calls him and I think it fits. He's an adorable picklehead. 
Courtney - Courtney is Christian's girlfriend. She chose stud , aww yeaa for me. I kind of like it. My word for Courtney is original. She has a unique perspective and as you can see from her creative sign, she brings it to everything she does. Courtney lives in Owasso, Oklahoma
Christian Casey (nephew)- Chris chose vibrant yo! for me. When you add the yo! afterwards, I am pretty sure it doubles the strength of the word. My word for Chris is sincere. Chris means things when he says them. You can depend on him to keep his word. He lives in Owasso, Oklahoma
Wesley Coble (nephew)- Now Wes chose some pretty cool words: caring, friend, loving, leadership, kind, honest, challenging, wisdom, aunt, funny, daring, and he drew a Batman symbol on there for me. I absolutely love the combination. It shows he is definitely paying attention. My word for Wesley is *waitforit* legendary. I think that he is absolutely capable of obtaining legendary status. He lives in Owasso, Oklahoma
Janet Crupper (aunt aka Auntie Mom aka "T")- She also chose two words dedicated and  determined.  My word for her is believer. She has a strong faith and is a firm believer in what God can and will do. She lives in Claremore, Oklahoma. 

William Tatum (cousin)- He wrote "there is no telling" in regards to me. I like to think that I am surprising him all along the way. My word for William is charming. He is capable of getting others to work with him just by flashing them a grin. He lives in Claremore, Oklahoma
Rachel Rachel - I met Rachel while she was interning at the Volunteer Center of North Texas. Rachel said  "You are my Leslie Knope- empowering, strong, thoughtful, awesome sauce" which makes me want to watch Parks and Recreation, just so I can see this character that she is relating to me. My word for Rachel is Service. Her deep convictions about serving the community, even in difficult times, inspires me. She lives in Denton, Texas
Dhriti Pandya- I met Dhriti when she was an AmeriCorps member at the Volunteer Center of North Texas. She said I am inspiring, so inspiring. These days we are side-kicks on several endeavors like AmeriCorps Alums, yoga, charter school development, exploring our community and much, much more.  My word for Dhriti is grateful. I am incredibly grateful to have her as my friend.  
Brandon Martin- A member of my Church Home Group, he wrote that I am caring.  My word for him is calming. He has a calming nature about him. Brandon lives in Dallas, Texas
Casey Cunningham- Also a member of my Church Home Group, she wrote great spirit, thoughtful and adventurous.  My word for her is considerate. She is always thinking of others needs and how she can help. Casey lives in Dallas, Texas. 
Victoria Wimmer- Another member of my Church Home Group, she wrote that I get the "best Listener Award". Which is amusing to me as my word for her is competitive. I don't mean that at all in a bad way. She works harder than anyone I know to make sure things are the best they can be. In any competition, I definitely want her on my team. 
Emily Draper- My favorite yoga teacher. She had a painting that used to be at the studio and this drawing is quite similar- and I love it. Below the drawing she wrote Peace, Love, Yoga, Om Shanti for me. The best word I can give for her is compassion. She taught me to have compassion for myself on the yoga mat and I have been able to translate that off of the mat as well. Emily lives in Dallas, Texas (for now)
Andrew Wimmer- Another Home Group member he wrote endearing. He then went back and drew a tiny yellow bird on the "d". Quite artistic and appreciated. My word for Andy is bacon. Now you might think that this is a lame word, but I truly can't see bacon without thinking Andy.  Andy lives in Dallas, Texas 
Susie Spartano- I met Susie when I started working at the American Red Cross. Susie wrote that I am solid as a rock and drew a little mountain. My word for Susie is Hurricane as that is when we grew close, during the Hurricane Katrina response in 2005. She and I worked closely together during that time and learned to depend upon and support one another. We continue to work together to plan and prepare to make our community safer. She lives in Dallas, Texas
Mary Ann Vacilek- We met when I worked with the American Red Cross. She wrote adventurous for me. My word for Mary Ann is lifesaver as she truly did save mine. We worked together during the Hurricane Katrina response and she took time every single day to make sure that I was eating, drinking plenty of water and taking breaks. I have taken her example and make sure that I do the same for others in difficult times. Mary Ann lives in Irving, Texas
Stephanie Fenneri- We met serving alongside one another as AmeriCorps Alums of North Texas. She said "you're a service superstar". My word for Stephanie is social. She is both a social person and coordinates social events for the AmeriCorps Alums of North Texas chapter. 
Toni Patterson- We met when I started working for the Volunteer Center of North Texas. She had a variety of words for me: Timely, Listen, Yogi, Dependable, and organized. My word for Toni is dream. She dreams big and works hard towards those dreams. It is my sincere hope that she someday will accomplish all of them. Toni lives in Dallas, Texas
Tabitha Ford- Tabitha and I were co-workers at the Volunteer Center of North Texas. We started within 2 weeks of each other. She wrote: Characteristics of a Tator tot (what she calls me)- supportive, strong, involved, disaster buster, and takes lots of pictures. My word for Tabitha is priorities. She has a very strong sense of where her efforts should be placed and places her faith as utmost in this regard. She lives in Garland, Texas
Tina Rodriguez- Tina and I go to church together. She said I am a Prayer Warrior. I love that! My word for Tina is family. I have met few people with the commitment to their family that Tina has with hers. Tina lives in Dallas, Texas 
Joy Cox- I met Joy at Volunteer Event with our church. She chose a slew of words: service, blog, family, fun, determined, faith, yoga, photos, triathlon, and Jason's. My first instinct is to choose the word funny, but that would just be a reflex. She is incredibly fun to be around and is in fact funny, but that wouldn't be saying enough. I will have to choose charisma (which means great personal charm). Joy lives in Dallas, Texas
Dianna Laferry- I met Dianna when we were in 1st grade at Jefferson Elementary School. This makes her one of my oldest friends. She chose the word radiant. My word for Dianna is artist. She has been successful in making this not only her joy but her profession. Dianna lives in Oakland, California

Suzanne Calvano- I met Suzanne when we worked together in AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps in San Diego. She decided that since all other words had been used that she would choose- Supercalifragilisticexpialidoucious. My word for Suzanne is steadfast. She is steadfast in her beliefs and unshakable even in the most difficult times. This is a quality I admire greatly. She lives in Madison Heights, Michigan

Ed Hall- I met Ed as a volunteer when I worked for the American Red Cross. He chose the word Honest and then added hardworking, committed. My word for Ed is helpful. He is always seeking to be helpful and is often successful in providing help just when it is needed most. 

Debbie Jo Tremain (adopted Aunt)- She chose the phrase "Picture lady from Oklahoma", which I am. My phrase for her is Awesome Aunt from Michigan. 

Enrique Polo- Another member of my church Home Group. His phrase for me is Mustard Seed. I have to tell you this one brought a smile to my face as this comes from my own personal story of faith. Matthew 17:20 He replied, "Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." My word for Enrique is encouraging. He is always the first to respond and is always encouraging others.

Christian Yazdanpanah- I met Christian when I worked with the Student Conservation Association and he was running the ExxonMobil Green Team program. His word for me was reflective. I am guessing if you have read this far through this post then you know that is truly the case. My word for Christian is visionary. He has a big vision for the best in the community. He brings others along for the adventure.