Saturday, November 20, 2010

Unique SLANT

Today I participated in yet another service project. I did not go into it with the right attitude. You see, I have been super busy lately. So getting up early was not something I was eager to do. And I needed to start on my Christmas shopping. And I needed to get a oil change. And so on and so on. But I told my friend I would be there and so I went. Initially all I could think about was leaving early and how cranky I was. Then I was put to work.

The project engaged kids from St. Phillips School, Boys and Girls Clubs, and Girl Scouts. There were also Bank of America employees there to help out. The projects were pretty cool. One station had them painting holiday ornaments and making candy cane reindeer. Another had them making Thanksgiving cards. The third had them decorating Christmas gift bags. And the final one had them decorating bags in which we put and apple, an orange, and a granola bar. All of these gifts will be delivered with either the Thanksgiving food or the Christmas food for the Meals on Wheels folks throughout Dallas. A little love from the kids to those who can't get out and get food for themselves.
The closing had them creating a reflection of the work they did with magazines one a piece of cardstock.

Did I come around and snap out of my funk? Of course I did. And I didn't leave early. It was a cool project. I just needed to get out of my own way and remember that there is a reason I was there/here. It was only a matter of time.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Today marks the end of my fourth week working in my new position as Disaster Services Manager with the Volunteer Center of North Texas.

I was pretty excited on my first day. I had been a visitor to the volunteer center many times. It was a bit surreal to think I would be here every day. Now it's just another office building, nothing terribly special about it.

However, I am a service addict and have wanted to work in a volunteer center for many years (ok, about 13).

Now I get to work in the field of volunteer management every day. I get to work with people who work in volunteer management every day (and almost all of them are super-passionate about it).

I have a window outside of my cubicle. Now that may also seem a small thing, but to me....huge. To be able to see if it's raining, or sunny, or whatever--I love it. I now have my desk decorated with all kinds of service memorabilia. Pictures of the kids from SCA. The banner from the Wal-Mart community garden project I recently conducted (turned out to be my last for SCA). AmeriCorps pictures, post cards, and stickers are everywhere. Just happy to have my office not be the entire organization.

Thus far I have not been able to hit the ground running as I had hoped. There are pieces I am waiting for to be able to really start recruiting volunteers. But once they are up and running, I have some pretty big goals to hit. I am ready.

Some cool moments from the first few weeks:

Had a huge community kick-off for a big project day and got to see the Volunteer center team in action (both positive and negative stuff- mostly positive.)

Volunteered with a group form Johnson Controls on a project with Family Gateway. The group had the privilege of hearing first-hand from the ambassadors who had been recipients of service from the centers. It was humbling and enlightening.

Volunteered with AmeriCorps Alums at the Bridge serving food. Humbling.

Got to volunteer at the World Series. Even cooler than getting to do so myself, is that I was able to help coordinate so that Hoby students were able to volunteer as well.

Won a Halloween Costume Contest. Ok, so my costume was very simple and not terribly creative, but I enjoyed it. Plus got a $20 gift certificate.

Jonathan and I had a meeting with Habitat for Humanity AmeriCorps. AmeriCorps Alums is starting to find some momentum.

Invited to speak with Hippy AmeriCorps members- hoping to be able to make it work.

Getting my feet wet in the Disaster Call Center. Ready to see it used in practice (not for real yet).

I am sure there are more things I am forgetting, but so far, so good.